
Thursday, 1 August 2013

One month out of hospital!

I'm thrilled that I have been home for four weeks. Home feels normal and the girls are becoming less concerned that I will just disappear back to the hospital.  I'm also less convinced that I will have to return to hospital!

The nurses visit daily to change the bandages on my stomach.  The wound has slowly been shrinking (both in depth and width).  I've learnt a lot of unpleasant wound related words: 'dehiscence' and 'slough' are two rather gross ones.  I've had fun calculating the cost of my treatment:
  • $1000 per inpatient day
  • $1000 per trip to theatre
  • $80 per nurse home visit
  • $100 per day for vac pump rental
  • $15 per day for wound dressings, creams, medications and other equipment
  • $160 per home infusion of antibiotics
I might come up with a total one day!  Thank goodness for state funded medical treatment.

I am very slowly regaining my strength.  I can't walk very far - about 200m one way at the moment, but I'm getting stronger each day.  I can walk far enough to get to second hand books and magazines, so figure my basic needs are being met!  I am BORED.  Until the start of this week I've not felt like doing much except read or watch TV (TV box sets were invented for the ill/ rehabilitating person).  I planned out the summer garden and ordered some seeds to fill in one afternoon.

I see the surgeon this coming week for what I assume is the last time.  I think we have covered off most topics related to recovery.  I'm still stunned that he brought up the topic of having plastic surgery on my stomach later on - but now that the wounds are getting close to being closed I can see his point - my stomach is lumpy and bumpy.  I'm still not keen to jump into more stomach surgery anytime soon.  I'm hoping to get his blessing to drive again.  Hopefully in a few more weeks I'll be up to doing the school run again.

I am annoyed by my diet and bowels on a daily basis - until I look back and realise that I've made a lot of progress in this area too. With medication I don't need to go to the toilet too frequently.  Gas no longer churns painfully through my bowel.  Food still travels very quickly through my system and it is this that I have a long wait to resolve.  I've started trying other food (basically because I need fresh vegetables).  Having not eaten onion or garlic for a long time it tastes ridiculously strong to me.  Hopefully in the next month or so I can start eating the skin of vegetables again.  I experimentally tried a small amount of fizzy drink with most of the bubbles stirred out.  Mistake.  Since flat soft drinks taste disgusting I think it will be a very long time before a Diet Coke crosses these lips!

This entire experience still feels unreal - the fact that I had cancer is strange.  I jokingly used the term 'cancer survivor' the other day but don't really feel entitled to it - I barely had cancer long enough to get my head around saying 'I have cancer.'  I am absolutely floored by the day to day courage of people who have cancer and experience months or years of treatment.  A lot of people with bowel cancer face surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  I can't imagine getting to the end of recovering from this surgery knowing that a gruelling course of chemo was ahead.

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