
Tuesday, 4 June 2013

it only hurts when she laughs...

so I haven't been talking much about the cricket.

I think my blog posts are more interesting than her blog posts. Her ones have fewer than half the cricket puns, and don't quite convey my own magnificence.

Since we're talking about me, I can tell you that I went back to work today. Funny thing though - I called up this morning to offer my services for part of the day, only to be told that I was down for a full day already, was almost fully booked, and in fact had someone waiting. I won't tell you how many minutes after my official 9am start time I was calling - suffice it to say it was 1.

I did make it in the end and to be honest I felt a bit like a stunned mullet (but I'm sure I was giving the right answers). Learning that I had been right about a woman in whom I had suspected ovarian cancer was oddly unfulfilling. I'm just going to do half days for the rest of the week. One of my colleagues ordered me to go for a run tomorrow. Others have given us frozen meals. This is nice.

I entered the larger child in the kids' Miracle Mile for the upcoming marathon. Mum made me order her the t-shirt. I'm looking forward to taking her in to pick up her race pack - I always find it a very validating experience. It's still tricky to find a good time to take her running, so a few half days will be useful.

Junior had a good day with the nanny and at toddler gym. Nana had a good day away from Junior.

I almost know what tap I want to get for the basin, only I don't want to pay $400 for it.

I think I must increase her metabolic rate. Having been free of temperatures since midnight last night, I've turned up this evening and pushed it up again. It's only 37.5, but for most of the last two or three days it's been a touch over 38. She's doubled her range of foods she can eat - she's now up to red AND green jelly. She was very pleased to have walked around the corner to the neighbouring part of the ward today (she got a photo), and when she feels like showing off she'll walk - unassisted* - to the bathroom. Less pleasing was how the nurses ignored her warning of her dangerously full stoma bag. She did tell them so.

This is now day 8 post-op and if I told you she looked well, my pants would combust. What worries me most though is how little TV I've watched recently. I haven't even seen the final of Dr Who yet.

#1 Husband

* she still need to lean on the IV pole. Less interesting than other poles she could be swaying net to. Don't read that last sentence if you're related to her.

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