
Monday, 17 June 2013

much like a NZ batsman at any stage of their innings, or indeed the team at any stage of a tournament...

my dad is nearly out.

After only a couple of days in hospital and surgery this morning, I'm told that he might be discharged tomorrow. Imagine that - I didn't think you were allowed to leave hospital until you'd been in for at least a fortnight.

I don't envy my mum over the next few weeks.

Although oddly enough I don't envy me either. Who do I envy? I guess I envy any bowler who's playing against the NZ cricket team, because their career figures will look much better after the game.

Let me do exactly what I said I'd never do and tell you about a patient I had today.

She came in asking for my help (because that's what I do). She wanted a letter from me, that said that she had a medical condition that prevented her from continuing with her gym membership. Eh? I asked. Well, she took out a 12 month membership a couple of months ago, but at that time was planning to leave the country and cancel it when she left. But her plans changed and she's staying. She can't cancel the membership now, but can't afford to keep paying either. Of course she doesn't actually have a medical problem, but wanted me to say that she had - I didn't think that the stress of not having enough money to pay counted, given how freely she'd joined in the first place. So, in the most professional way possible, I declined to lie for her. I doubt I'll be treating her winter colds any time soon.

You will note that I have not given any identifiable information in the above story.

I have a list of blood results, for anyone who's interested (not from the lying patient, but from our real one). I'll just type it out and hope that the formatting holds when I save the post.

                  9/6         12/6          13/6          14/6           15/6         16/6

Hb             123        108            128            112             94            109
WBC          10.5       15.5           27.1           18.3           13.2          10.9
plts                                            799                                               581

CRP            21         76              320             303           140

Mg                                                                0.72           0.77         0.66
alb                                                                                   20             23

And for those of you lucky enough not to need to understand those numbers, I can assure you that the ones from 12 - 15th are rubbish.

Today she seems to have been ok - showering herself, walking a bit during the day. Even her bowels are starting to co-operate to some extent (very slight, but it's something). I suppose one issue is that I only turn up at the end of the day, when she's a bit wiped out. While I've been here she's had a bit of vomiting and so they had to aspirate the naso-gastric tube. She's nil by mouth for now.

Tomorrow they'll take her back in to re-do the vacuum dressing. She's asked me to bring some of the masses of DVD's we've been loaned.

Much like the NZ cricket team I'm done.

#1 Husband

This was meant to be a short one.

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