Yesterday morning I realised that the stoma bag was leaking. Down to the hospital. Back home for lunch and a three hour nap. Down to the hospital for clexane injection. Back home and I realise the bag is leaking. Back again. Bag change. Home again. Finally, at 11pm I realise the bag is leaking and there is a lot of blood. Back again.
I've also had some wound seepage so have felt quite disheartened at the mess my stomach is.
The stoma was always a horridly awkward thing and the surgeons are very determined to do the reversal surgery tomorrow.
In the meantime I have a private room with shower and toilet so feel quite swanky! I'm very much looking forward to this being over.
Ouch. What a horrible day! I hope very much the reversal surgery goes/has gone as well as possible!
ReplyDeleteMuch love.
Thanks Maire. Hopefully all done soon