
Sunday, 19 May 2013

Flowers and forms

When Porse gets organised they are very thorough. Two reps came over today and  took me through a dazzling array of paperwork. I gulped at the salary - it looks so much more when collated into the fortnightly amount! Gulp! Still, I have a feeling our Nanny will be worth every penny.

The massive stack of paperwork.  My friends who have used Porse assure me that most of it is unnecessary.

The long rainy afternoon was made more pleasant by a surprise delivery of flowers. For the last five years I've been part of a very supportive online mother's network....they have been great friends and sounding boards and very kindly pooled together to send me these lovely flowers.


One week to go and I'm starting to run out of things to prepare.  We moved the furniture around upstairs today and so the children are now sharing a room.  The other room will be for our live-in caregiver (Nana). They were so happy about sharing, they do love each other a lot (even though they seem to bicker a lot) and I was worried that it would be a long night.  We took them to bed early so there would be a lot of time to get used to the arrangement.  Incredibly surprisingly J went straight to sleep and H followed shortly after.  

Although it feels as though I'm constantly pulling out Hannah's bed to find books that have fallen down the sides the amount of crap that we discovered under her bed was pretty impressive.   Two 'lost' library books have emerged this weekend that I've already paid for.  I'm going to take them back shamefacedly this week. 

I have a few things left to do this week but feel as though I'm close to making all the arrangements I could possibly do.  One thing I've been feeling sad about today is the garden.  It became quite an obsession over summer and I've still got some seedlings grown from seed to plant out.  I suspect the garden will be a bit of a jungle by the time I feel like doing much in there.  I've thrown grass seeds over a lot of the 'developing' areas - it should help keep the weeds out until I feel like cultivating it later. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure the purpose of the papers is to help get the 20 'free' hours funding for over-threes. The government wants to fund only if things are properly bureaucratic.
