The woman we really wanted to take care of the children said yes and we are thrilled to have her start next week. Porse continues to be frustrating and annoying to deal with but on confirming with them that there were able to answer emails we have come to an understanding and they are now finally on to it. I have some kind of household inspection from them tomorrow and a chat where they will thrill me with the details of the package they offer. I'm being a little sarcastic, but honestly, they have been a nightmare.
My mother in law will probably come and stay for a week after Mum has left. I think it will be nice for the kids to see both Nana and Grandma and both Vincent and I are kind of looking forward to being 'looked after' too.
I haven't been able to get H into after school care but should be able to swing it with playdates.
What has been awesome this week is discovering so many friends who have useful pockets of information. One friend is making me some covers for the stoma bags (this is useful because it forced me to work out how the disgusting things work). I've said it before, but you can find out how to do ANYTHING on YouTube. The bags are connected to a sticker that goes on my skin and my all time pet peeve is removing plasters. The same friend became familiar with this product while her daughter was in hospital:
You just wipe it over plasters and it dissolves the adhesive. I bought ten of them at the chemist yesterday.
Another friend has sent through really nice messages about understanding stoma from a child's perspective. My children do not believe in bathroom privacy for parents so it is quite likely that they will see it at some point. I'm trying to find some children's resources on this topic.

After a bit of drama involving incorrect stock take data, multiple trips to various branches and an unlabelled item we found an acceptably priced and reasonably sized chest freezer. I hadn't quite thought how to get it inside the house but once I was able to get a park on my side of the street I just carried the jolly thing.
I started cooking meals but one friend was way ahead of me. I'd say that it is about a third full already! My children don't eat a lot of meals that freeze well (a massive mistake on my part) so I've been buying up large things like frozen dumplings and stuff that can just be steamed. J will be having some dinners at creche for a few weeks so I've frozen some small portions of casserole for her as well.
I've also been very cheered by all the books, movies and music people have lent me. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm preparing for surgery, not a big holiday!
I have a final appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday and then it is all go. It is hard to believe that it is only eleven more days to go.
THANK YOU for all the kind messages and support. Honestly, some days it is our friends and family who are the reasons we make it through the day. Up until last weekend we were really struggling, but do really feel as though all the help is assisting us to prepare and get through the next few months.
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