
Thursday, 30 May 2013

no cricket puns - I'm out of ideas...

... just like the NZ top-order batsmen.


The naso-gastric tube has made a difference, and they blocked it off in the afternoon without too many problems. She's started drinking again with minimal fuss.

This afternoon we took the plunge and took both girls to see her. Almost exactly as we feared the little one didn't cope well when we left. Plaintive cries of "mama! Mama!" could be heard all down the corridor. Horrible to hear. Fortunately she settled once we got home, but it must be said that she's getting a bit short-tempered with nana. She went to bed ok and hopefully she won't be missing mum too much tomorrow.

The big sister seems to be coping up ok, but I worry that we're pushing a bit too much expectation of maturity on her. I think she's playing up form time to time, usually when little sister is trying to hold our attention. I need to give her some more time for herself. She is keen on doing some more running, so that'll be one thing.

Overall, things are moving s-l-o-w-l-y. Optimistically she might get home early next week, but I certainly won't be pushing it. By and large she still isn't in the mood for visitors. She can look quite chipper at times, but after any effort whatsoever she looks like she did on day one.

I keep saying that I'm planning on going to work tomorrow, in case it makes it more true.

I'm grateful for the help of friends.

#1 husband

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