
Friday, 24 May 2013

Surgery countdown.

I've been working through a crazy to-do list.  Some of the less crazy items:
  • write out list of sample lunches and dinners for the nanny
  • Freeze more food, including baking.
  • Input important child related numbers into husband's phone.
  • Pay all bills, set up APs for the nanny and creche
  • Re-stock migraine medicine (just realised that this isn't so urgent as if I have one in hospital I'll be well loaded on pain meds already)
  • Purchase less embarrassing pyjamas 
  • Plant out seedlings.  I've been growing a lot of veges from seed so still have
  • Load e-books onto iPad.
  • Get sensible haircut (instead of trying to up-sell me with serums and styles that need blow-drying she actually had some good suggestions).
  • Create kisses jar (the kids love this book called Zou and the jar of kisses). I've put lipstick kisses on little bits of paper.
  • Tidy stuff.
  • Make sure breast pump is working (no special news here, just lending it to a friend).
  • Make lots of nice meals for Vincent and I to have together (because I'm not sure what the long term implications are of the surgery and diet I decided to 'carpe diem' and go nuts with the latest edition of Cuisine magazine).
I realise that my previous jobs involving project management and crazy public sector deadlines has left me with useful skills in getting things done. 

I'm starting to feel very nervous about the operation and this is probably not helped by my last appointment with the surgeon being cancelled.  Vincent thinks that the surgeon did tell me about the operation, I didn't think that I got that much info.  I suspect though that Vincent just understands about the operation and implications anyway.  I'm second on the list on Monday: this means that the surgery is very likely to go ahead, even with emergencies and will probably start late morning.  I still have to be at the hospital by 7.30am though.   The nerves are probably because every time I see a friend or acquaintance they wish me luck for the operation!!!  It feels like I am going away for a long time! 

Just to add an extra frisson of excitement I have a problem with my eyes that led to an emergency optometrist appointment this morning and am off contact lenses for a few weeks (the timing is probably not that bad since I would have been using my glasses in the hospital anyway).  Vincent has also injured his back and had to go to the After Hours doctor this morning.  Yes, it was bad enough for a doctor to see a doctor and pay for it!  He has some funky pills to take and hopefully will feel better soon.  J has a very heavy cold and sore throat.  H is OK healthwise except in nasty, separate incidents at the market this morning she and J both banged their heads.  J walked into a pole and H went down the slide and into the knee of a boy who decided to climb up at the same time.  Sigh.


  1. Poor H and J! And therefore you! And Vincent, with his back.

    *hugs* to you all!

    You've done an amazing lot of things.

    I'm in awe that you've actually managed a sensible haircut in there. I haven't made it to a hairdresser for over a year.

  2. Lol even with J going to crèche part time this last year I'm still only making haircuts every six months or so! The hairdresser was super awesome actually. She really considered the fact that it would be a few months before the next cut, not cutting it too short and risking 'bed hair' and making a style that didn't require blow drying. The anaesthetist can admire my lovely shiny, beautifully coloured hair tomorrow during surgery!
