1) she looks knackered
2) she was leaking runs overnight
still tired this am, but looking much more alert. Ward round came and went with minimal fuss. It looks like they'll need to re-fit the stoma bag, but she has yet to see the stoma nurses who will no doubt sort things out.
They say that the histology will take 5-7 days so we'll just need to be patient. They've suggested that she start drinking sports drinks for their potassium (no doubt from the fine potassium mines of Khazakhstan), but I think I'll just buy her a banana
In local news the wee one slept poorly, both in her cot and also with me. I know it's just viral, but she's been complaining about her ears enough that I decided to take her to the After Hour's. Naturally the sore ear was full of wax (which could be the cause of her pain I guess). Now that we're back home she's perked up a little and is reading books with the nanny.
Right - off to the physio for my back of mystery
#1 husband
Glad surgery went ok. Hope recovery goes well. Hope littlest sleeps better tonight. xx